Grand Lodge of Manitoba Committees
A. Finance and Investments RW Bro Rey Laferriere (Chair) RW Bro Gord Greasley (Gr Treasurer) MW Bro Kris Goodmanson (Gr Secretary) RW Bro Rey Galapon (DGM) Bro Dennis Pearce Bro Ray Kohanik VW Bro Jeff Anderson Bro Jordan Chimuk Bro Brian Ryall B. Arrangements and Elections MW Bro Norm Lyons (Chair) RW Bro Rey Galapon (DGM) a) Credentials & Elections RW Bro Rico Villarin (VC) VW Bro Arabe RW Bro Arnold Calambacan Sr RW Bro Jojo Lorenzo Jr Bro Paras Jr Bro Gilos b) Reception & Arrangements RW Bro Tim Heisler (VC) VW Bro Jeff Anderson RW Bro Al Roth C. Jurisprudence MW Bro Doug Webster (CH) MW Bro Andy McLennan (VC) RW Bro Rey Galapon (DGM) MW Bro Mason Jardine RW Bro Lynn Latozke RW Bro Franchuk RW Bro Gord Greasley D. Fraternal Relations MW Bro Chibu Uson (Chair) RW Bro Dan Fardoe (VC) RW Bro Lacoursiere (SGW) RW Bro Arnold Calambacan Sr Bro Lee Bro Gilos E. Technology RW Bro Kyle McAdam (HC) RW Bro Keith Rempel (VC) RW Bro N. Laine RW Bro Alex Ether RW Bro Price |
F. Masonic Relief (CH) RW Bro Richard Lacoursiere (SGW) MW Bro Kris Goodmanson (Gr Secretary) a) Benevolence (VC) b) Enhancement (VC) c) Special Projects (VC) G. Resource RW Bro Richard Lacoursiere (CH) RW Bro Rey Galapon (DGM) RW Bro Brian Rountree (Gr Librarian) Bro Trevor Millar (Gr Archivist) Bro Yorke (Gr. Hist) H. Education & Training RW Bro Price (CH) RW Bro John Romu (VC) RW Bro Glenn Ramos (JGW) RW Bro Alex Ethier MW Bro Mason Jardine RW Bro Jojo Lorenzo Jr MW Bro Junn Manalang MW Bro Chibu Uson RW Bro Rico Villarin H. Management & Administration MW Bro Stuart Allen (CH) MW Bro Kris Goodmanson (Gr Sec) RW Bro Rey Galapon (DGM) RW Bro Bruce Taylor Bro Brian Ryall Bro Hill RW Bro Lynn Latozke RW Bro Lacoursiere I. Strategic Planning RW Bro Alex Ethier (CH) RW Bro Rey Galapon (DGM) |
Condition of Freemasonry
RW Bro Rey Galapon (DGM) RW Bro Richard Lacoursiere (SGW) All DDGMs Masons Care RW Bro D. Deley (CH) a) Masons Care (VC Wpg) (VC Brandon) b) Partners for Life MW Bro Tom Love (VC) c) Relay for Life (VC) Youth Services MW Bro Doug Webster (CH) RW Bro Rico Villarin (VC) Manitoba Masonic Renewal (formerly Public Awareness and Branding Committee) Masonic Family |
Grand Master's Special Advisory Committee
MW Bro Kris Goodmanson MW Bro Doug Webster MW Bro Ted Jones MW Bro Andy McLennan MW Bro Junn Manalang MW Bro Ken Butchart Board of Directors MMT Inc. MW Bro Emad Bisharat (GM) RW Bro Rey Galapon (DGM) RW Bro Richard Lacousiere (SGW) RW Bro Glenn Ramos (JGW) MW Bro Kris Goodmanson (Gr Sec) MW Bro Doug Webster MW Bro Andy McLennan RW Bro Jojo Lorenzo RW Bro Bruce Taylor 150th Project RW Bro Thor Goodmanson (CH) RW Bro Alex Ethier (VC) RW Bro Keith Rempel Diversity Committee All members of the Grand Master’s Committees are appointed by the Grand Master Notes: An asterisk (*) indicates that the brother has been appointed to the committee by the Grand Master. The Grand Master is an ex-officio member of all committees. |