Meet Most Worshipful Brother Stanley J. Barclay
MW Bro. Stanley J. Barclay was born at Morden, Manitoba, one of the first in the "new" hospital that replaced the Freemason Hospital at that location. Moving to Winnipeg just before the start of his school years, Stan attended various schools in St. James, Fort Rouge and trained in Heavy Duty Mechanics. Afterwards, he worked in heavy construction across the prairies and NW Ontario, mostly on pipeline and hydroelectric projects as a heavy equipment operator. Stan eventually became a Journeyman Crane Operator and operated tower cranes on high rise building construction here in Winnipeg, and occasionally hydraulic and conventional cranes on other projects.
Stan met the love of his life, Donna, in Winnipeg and they have now been happily married for over 38 years, living in Fort Garry. They have two chosen children, Michael (33) and Melissa (24). Due to the cyclical nature of construction, along with his fascination of computers and volunteering his off-time with a non-profit organization, he eventually became certified as a computer Systems Engineer by both Microsoft and Compaq along with holding several other computer industry certifications. He then spent the last half of his working life employed in the Information Technologies Department of one of the larger Credit Unions in Winnipeg, retiring in 2014 to facilitate his Masonic Journey to the Grand East.
Stan is a member of St. John's Lodge No.4, Union Historical Lodge No.108, International Peace Gardens Lodge, Tuscan Historical Daylight Lodge No.141, Yellowstone Historic Lodge No.88, Fort Buford, Dakota Territory and the Philalethes Society. He served as the Worshipful Master of St. John's Lodge No.4 in 2006-07. Stan served the Grand Lodge of Manitoba as the Grand Standard Bearer in 2007-08, 2008-09 and again in 2009-10, he was elected to the Board of General Purposes for the 2010 to 2013 term, elected as Junior Grand Warden for 2013-14, Senior Grand Warden for 2014-15, & Deputy Grand Master for 2015-16. Stan received Grand Masters Award for Meritorious Service and the Wayne W. Cash Award in 2012. As well as being an Honorary Member of the Grand Lodge of North Dakota, the Grand Lodge of Saskatchewan and the Grand Lodge of Minnesota.
Stan is also member of a few Appendant & Concordant Bodies: Prince Rupert Chapter No.1 of Royal Arch Masons, Grand Chapter Royal Arch Masons of Manitoba - Past District No.1 Superintendent, Order of the High Priesthood, Cyrus Council No.2 Royal & Select Masters, Royal Arch Mariners - Lake Winnipeg Lodge No.4, Past Preceptor of Mount Carmel Preceptory No.44 (Portage la Prairie) & King Edward Preceptory No.25 (Wpg.) of the United Religious, Military and Masonic Orders of the Temple and of St. John of Jerusalem, Palestine, Rhodes and Malta, (Knights Templar), Masonic and Military Order of the Red Cross of Constantine - Selkirk Conclave No.6, Royal Order of Scotland, York Rite Sovereign College of North America - Manitoba Crocus York Rite College No.89 and the Khartum Shriners.
Stan is a Past President of the MPHA. He served on the Executive Board of the Reform Party of Canada - Fort Garry Constituency, where it was a great honor to meet the Hon. Douglas Campbell whom he fondly remembers for his excellent memory and as great source of knowledge, along with Preston Manning, Deborah Grey and many others of that era. Stan has been a member of the Manitoba Agriculture Museum since his early teen years, and was a member of Toastmasters for a time.
One of his fondest memories is of his travel to Scotland where he received his Fellow Craft degree at Lodge Hopetoun St. John No.1232, located in the village of Winchburgh, close to his g-grandfathers place of birth, as well as touring the Grand Lodge of Scotland's Museum, the Rosslyn Chapel and other interesting historic locations in that country. Stan enjoys driving with Masons Care for the Canadian Cancer Society Transportation Program when time allows and is a regular blood donor, being involved with the Grand Lodge "Partners for Life" Blood Donor Initiative since its inception.
"My greatest honor and privilege is that of being a Freemason, and that of being allowed to serve the brethren in many different capacities during this journey. A wise brother told me "That if you turn down an opportunity to serve, you lose", I therefore will endeavor to do my best to serve the Craft for as long as the G.A.O.T.U. allows ". - MW Bro. Stan Barclay